Immunity Boosting Soup
This is my go to soup for the winter months, it is filled with lots of turmeric, garlic & ginger to help strengthen the immune system. Plus it makes a big batch that lasts a few days and gets better each day.
Immunity Boost Soup
NOTE: This is a great recipe to make at the end of the week to use up the rest of the vegetables still in the fridge. NO WASTE!
There is also no set ingredients list apart from garlic, ginger, turmeric & celery, everything else you can use your favourite veggies or what is left in your fridge. Read on to learn about the health benefits of my favourite vegetables.
You will need:
2 x carrot
1 x sweet potato
bunch of celery
coriander (optional)
1 x fresh chilli
turmeric powder (2 large table spoons)
4 cloves garlic
1 x thumb size ginger
handful of spinach or kale
1 x brown onion
1 x corn (optional) -
1 x broccoli
Can cannelloni beans
Chicken or veggie stock
How to Make:
Chop up all ingredients
In a blender add 500ml of water, 1 x brown onion, 2 garlic cloves, half the bunch of celery, salt & pepper. Blend to make a veggie stock
In a large saucepan, add coconut oil and heat, add in all chopped ingredients and blended veggie stock.
Add another 500ml of water with your choice of veggie or chicken stock. (this is an added flavour option. not necessary). If you are looking to reduce your salt intake, leave out or make your own stock. (A recipe for this will be coming soon).
Add in turmeric and beans
Bring to boil, then turn down low to simmer for half an hour or the longer the better :)
This recipe is a one pot soup perfect if you have vegetables that may be starting to go off. I hate waste, so will always try to create a dish at the end of the week with a mix of the left over vegetables.
Turmeric - Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, it is rich in many essential vitamins and minerals and is an anti-oxidant with dietary fibre, this can assist in the control of blood sugar levels, cholesterol, auto-immune disease to name a few. Turmeric is my favourite miracle herb!
Carrot - Vitamin A, B Vitamins, Vitamin C & K, Fibre, thiamine, potassium, beta carotene and antioxidant agents. Carotenes are the famous ingredients in carrots, powerful healing properties for many diseases and Vitamin A assists with anti-aging, healthy glowing skin and supports liver function. Add carrot into a fresh juice for that extra boost or next time you have that cheese board, add some carrot sticks with hummus :)
Broccoli - Broccoli contains as much vitamin C then an orange and also contains B vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium zinc and Vitamin K. Broccoli is a great source of Beta-carotene and a fibrous low calorie vegetable. It really is a superfood!!
Spinach - Spinach is a great source of Vitamin A, K and Folate. (make sure you chuck a handful of spinach in your smoothie, you cant taste is and its a super easy way to down some nutrients)
Garlic - Garlic contains selenium, is a powerful antioxidant which assists with damaged free radicals in the body. Garlic also assists with a healthy blood circulation.
Ginger - Known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to help with arthritis and osteoarthritis. Ginger also helps boost and strengthen the immune system and bone health.